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Akshay uses SelfBadge

Abhay doesn't use SelfBadge

18 APR

Akshay wanted to print 200 badges for his event.
He finds selfbadge.com

18 APR

Abhay wanted to print 200 badges for his event.
He searched all over but didn't find any solution for it.

18 APR

Akshay Creates a SelfBadge account
He creates his account, uploads his data, and creates his badge format.

18 APR

Abhay, thinks what's to be done
He finds mail merge option and looks for the tutorial.

18 APR

Akshay starts to design his badge
He designs different background color for different badge types

19 APR

Abhay still struggling with what to do
Learning and trying, Abhay spends a lot of time but still doesn't get the hang of it.

18 APR

Akshay adds more functionality to his badges
He adds full names, job titles, the company’s logo, attendee type and adds QR codes for easy lead retrieval. All in 10 minutes.

19 APR

Abhay still struggling what to do
While he does get to learn the mail merge facility but creating a design with QR Code and images and then adding data via mail merge remains a mystery for him!

18 APR

He places the order
In a couple of days, he’ll receive all his badges stuffed and alphabetized, ready to be handed out to attendees.

18 APR

He has saved time to work on something else
With the name badge situation solved in under 30 minutes, he can focus on other more important aspects of his event.

Task is done
20 APR

Abhay cracked the mail merge code!
Almost two days later after he started, he was able to populate the Word tables with the Excel information. But wait, some names don’t fit….

21 APR

Abhay then resorts to manual work!
After spending over 3 days, Abhay is now checking each name manually to ensure that it is fitting in and the record is correctly inserted :(

22 APR

Abhay finally does it
After a lot of research, manual work and labor, Abhay is able to complete his file and ready to sent it to the printer but is not sure if his file will be good enough for a commercial printer to print it!

19 APR

We do the heavy work for Akshay
We print the badges on high-quality paper and sort them based on his preference. We will ship them using the best agency for the chosen location. He knows his badges will arrive on time and looking great, that's guaranteed!

The SelfBadge Team
23 APR

Abhay wasted time and money
He wasted several hours on something that could have been achieved in under 30 minutes. He also doesn’t have attendee types printed nor QR codes for tracking and doesn't even know how his final badges are going to look and if they will arrive on time.
